A. Types of Leagues
1) Men’s Leagues – Doubles leagues are 2 men. Team leagues are 4 men.
2) Women’s Leagues – Doubles leagues are 2 women. Team leagues are 4 women.
3) Mixed Leagues – Doubles leagues are 1 woman & 1 man. Team leagues are 2 women & 2 men.
4) Open Leagues – Doubles leagues are 2 players, any number of men or women. Team leagues are 4 players, any number of men or women.
5) Cricket Leagues – All games played are cricket games.
6) Super Cricket Leagues – All games played are Super Cricket games.
7) Combo Leagues – Part of the games played are cricket games, part are 301 or 501.
B. League Objectives
1) To always promote good sportsmanship throughout the league.
2) To enjoy the competition of the game of darts.
3) To safeguard the league funds and guarantee the disbursement of funds in prize money, trophies, plaques, and awards banquet.
C. Location Responsibilities
1) Locations cannot charge a cover charge to dart players entering the location for league play. However, locations may charge a cover charge to anyone remaining after league play is over.
2) Locations can give away free team drinks if negotiated before the season starts. Please do not expect them.
3) Locations must provide designated seating for both teams.
4) In house league matches are to only be played at their location specified.
D. Captain’s Responsibilities
1) Read and understand all of the league rules and check the standings regularly for any schedule changes or league updates.
2) Provide correct & complete Names & Addresses of all team players as well as phone numbers/email addresses if available. If a player moves or changes phone numbers, the league office must be notified.
3) Make yourself available for all league meetings.
4) Ensure all players abide by the league rules.
5) Make sure the correct players are playing in each game.
6) Collect dues each week along with the yearly sanction fees.
7) Notify the league office of any team or player changes and any rescheduled matches. The captain’s lists are provided for convenience, but the captain must still notify the league office of any make-ups.
8) Only the captain can pick up the teams prize money at the banquet. If the captain is not present or does not pick up the envelope, it will be taken back to the league office. Other team members can then pick up their share only of the prize money. Captains will have one month after the banquet to pick up the prize money, otherwise they will lose all rights to it. If the captain knows beforehand that he/she will not be attending the banquet and would like to designate another team member to pick up the envelope, the captain must call the league office prior to the banquet.
9) Always be responsible for your team’s actions.
10) Ensure good sportsmanship at all times among all players.
11) Support your sponsor and your league system.
E. Starting Times
1) All leagues start time is 7:00 pm. unless otherwise noted.
2) Any team that shows up after the scheduled start time is not entitled to any practice or warm up time before starting league play. The opposing team captain may wait longer if he or she chooses to do so.
3) If 3 players are present after the 30 minute grace period, the match must start. The absent player’s turn must be passed. If a player arrives late, they cannot play in any game already in progress. They can begin to play in their next scheduled game.
4) The match cannot start or be played with 2 or less players in 4 player leagues or 1 player in 2 player leagues.
5) Once a match has begun, the players who start the match must finish the match. No player substitutions are allowed.
F. Forfeit Times & Procedures
1) Most forfeits can be avoided with a little patience and common courtesy.
2) Evening leagues forfeit time is 7:31 pm. This is actual time, not bar time.
3) Any team that forfeits 2 weeks throughout the season will be expelled from the league and will lose all prize money and awards.
4) Any team that forfeits a match during the final 2 weeks of league will be expelled from the league and lose all prize money and awards. The league director will use win percentages of all teams involved to determine forfeit scores during the final 2 weeks of the league. A forfeit score will not determine the league outcome. Teams and players forfeited from a league will be placed on the probation list for 1 year.
5) To process a forfeit you must inform the person running the league and they will record the information along with the forfeit time.
6) The team receiving the forfeit will win all games, and the forfeiting team loses all games (except rule #4 above).
7) The forfeiting team will be charged a $20.00 forfeit fee.
G. Regular Team Members & Substitute Players
1) Player’s ratings are determined by the highest MPR, WIN %or PPD from a legitimate league. (24 game minimum, 2 year time period) Some league levels have a team “cap” or maximum combined marks per round for each team. At no time during the season can a team go over the team cap in the level they are put into at the beginning of the league. This includes the use of a sub. Even if the sub’s MPR is within the legal limit, if that player puts the team’s combined MPR over the team cap, that player will be considered an illegal sub.
2) In all leagues, the rosters are considered set after the 4th week of play. The players listed on the signup sheet or the players with the majority of games played at this time will be considered the regular team members. These will be the players covered under the substitution rules and will be sanctioned through the MO Darts 360, as long as that player has paid sanctioning fees. All other players will be considered substitutes.
3) If a team has to replace a regular team member, the captain must call the league office to update their roster with any changes!
4) All substitute names must be entered in full at the dart game, including first and last name. It is the captain’s responsibility to enter the correct name for any player on the team. Failure to do so will result in loss of all games played by this player; you must notify the league office to update your roster. Captains, you will only receive one warning!
5) Substitute players listed on your roster must still fall within the substitute guidelines listed below to be a legal substitute. In all men’s, women’s and mixed leagues – only a woman can substitute for a woman and only a man can substitute for a man. In open leagues, a man can substitute for a woman or a woman can substitute for a man, as long as the substitute falls within the substitute guidelines.
6) All substitute players must meet the substitute guidelines. Marks Per Round (MPR) in Cricket and Points Per Dart (PPD) in 301/501 are the only skill ratings used for substitute player approval. All skill ratings (minimum 24 games) must be from a legitimate league and be properly calculated (within a 2 year period). Stats from a non-Variety league and/or known ability may also be used for players with no stats. If the player has no stats, the captain must call the league director for approval and the player will have to stay within the substitute guidelines for that match. If not, they will be considered an illegal substitute. If you have any substitute player questions, please call the league director.
7) In Cricket leagues, the substitute player’s MPR cannot be more than three-tenths of a point (0.03) higher than the player he or she is replacing. (Except final 4 weeks – see rule #9).
8) In combo leagues, a substitute must be within the guidelines for both Cricket MPR and 301/501 PPD. If the substitute is not legal in one game type, they will be considered an illegal sub for the entire match.
9) During the final 4 weeks of the season any substitute player must have a skill rating equal to or less than that of the player they are replacing. If the player has no stats, the captain must call the league director for approval and that player will have to stay within the substitute guidelines for that match, If not, they will be an illegal substitute.
10) Once a player has substituted for the same team twice in a season, they are considered part of that team’s roster and may not sub for another team.
11) A substitute player may sub for more than one team in the same league, as long as they are a legal sub and they are not listed as a regular player for any team in that league. This included different divisions of the same league.
12) Captains have 24 hours to contact the league director to challenge an illegal player. The full protest procedure is not necessary, but you must call the league director within this time period.
13) If a player is found to be an illegal player or sub, the team using that player will lose all games played by the illegal player. This penalty also includes the team game.
14) If an illegal player plays in a match and the opposing team is unaware of it, the league director will automatically forfeit any games played by that player.
15) If the regular player is present, he or she must begin and finish the match unless authorized by the league director (medical excuse, emergency, etc.). If a substitute plays for a regular player who is present at the start of the match, the substitute will be considered an illegal player.
16) The opposing team captain has the right to request proper ID if there is a questions whether the correct players are playing. Failure to do so if requested will result in the forfeit of all games played by the player in question. This must be done before the match begins, and the league director must be contacted.
17) All players and substitutes must be at least 12 years old or 21 in locations requiring players to be 21.
18) In 4 player leagues, at least 2 regular team members must be present for a match to take place.
19) No regular team member roster changes will be allowed during the last 4 weeks of a league without the league directors approval.
H. Match Play
1) All matches must be played as scheduled and finished. Any team leaving the location during a match will forfeit all remaining games.
2) If the team wants to change the shooting order, this must be done before the match starts. In all mixed leagues, women must be in player position 1 (doubles) and player positions 1 & 2 (team). Mixed league’s shooting orders can only be changed by switching men with men and women with women. This includes the team game.
3) Once a match has begun, the players who start the match must finish the match. No player substitutions are allowed.
4) If a problem occurs, the 2 captains should try to settle the problem. If this is not possible, call the league director.
5) If service is needed to fix the board, the 2 captains must decide whether to wait for repairs or reschedule the match at a later date. If the teams decide to wait for service and the match has already been started, contact someone at your location or the league director. After service has fixed the problem, the match will resume from the beginning of the interrupted game. If the teams decide to reschedule the match, it must be played within two weeks of the original date. If a match is to be rescheduled, it must begin from the game where you left off and the league office must be notified. If the rescheduled match is not played at that time and date, the team not showing up will forfeit the match.
I. Schedules and Standings
1) All matches must be played according to the league schedule. The location sponsoring your team has the right to have all the home matches played at their location. A match cannot be moved for any reason without the consent of the league director. If the players move their match to another location without approval, both teams will forfeit that match.
2) Teams cannot change sponsors once the season has begun. Keep this in mind when determining which sponsor will be your home location.
3) Standings will be considered final after 2 weeks and will not be changed after this time. Standings are used to communicate with players and sponsors for schedule changes and player information. The league office will notify team by phone of league changes or updates for only 2 weeks, and will be posted on the standings from that point on. A forfeit resulting from a team’s reluctance to read the standings in the case of a team filling a bye will remain a forfeit.
4) If a team drops out or is expelled at any time prior to the last two weeks, that position will turn into a bye. The standings will be changed to reflect 0 wins and 0 losses for all teams. If a team drops out or is expelled during the last two weeks, the standings will not be changed and a win percentage will be used for the remaining weeks. All players from that team will be placed on the probation list for 1 year.
5) If there is a bye in a league, it is possible that not all teams will be scheduled against the same number of byes. The team(s) that has an extra bye will receive it’s win percentage for that week. This does not change the standings at all, since they are sorted by win percentage, which will stay the same.
6) A tie for 1st place will be played off. Only original players can play in the play-offs unless previously authorized by the league director – NO EXCEPTIONS! All other ties in the final league standings will be broken by the teams’ head-to-head competition record.
J. Rescheduled Matches
1) All first week matches must be played. Only first week matches are mandatory make-ups. These matches must be played within 2 weeks of the original date at the location of the team who originally showed up for the match. Both team captains must call the league office with the make-up date and time to make the match official.
2) Every effort should be made to avoid forfeits or make-ups. In the case of rescheduled matches, no less than a 24-hour notice will be accepted. If there is an emergency situation, call the league director.
3) When requesting to reschedule a match, it is the option of the opposing captain to decide when or if a make-up match will take place. If the opposing captain does not agree to make up the match, it will be a forfeit. However, keep in mind when making this decision, that your team could be requesting a make-up at some time during the season. Please show consideration and sportsmanship towards the team requesting the make-up.
4) If your team knows that it will be unable to play on a certain date, make arrangements to play it ahead of time.
5) The team requesting the make-up will lose home game rights and will have to reschedule at the other team’s discretion.
6) All make-up matches must be played within 2 weeks of the original date. The make-up date and time must be called into the league director by both captains to make the match official.
7) No make-up matches will be allowed during the last 2 weeks of any scheduled round. If for any reason, am make-up is needed during the last two weeks, make arrangements to play it ahead of time.
8) All matches must be played before the last date on the schedule. The league season will not be extended for any reason.
K. Protest Procedure
1) Most problems can be taken care of before they get this far by calling the league director.
2) Only the team captain can file a protest to the league director within 24 of the match.
L. Sportsmanship During League Play
1) Sportsmanship is all about courtesy and respect. Shake the hand of your opponent and acknowledge your opponent’s good darts. Make good sportsmanship your team’s trademark.
2) If a player’s action is determined to be not sportsmanlike and detrimental to the league, he/she will receive only 1 warning from the league director. The second instance will result in expulsion from the league and all league-sponsored tournaments until further notice.
3) Any physical violence or fighting will lead to immediate expulsion from the league for all parties involved.
4) Any intentional abuse of a sponsor’s location will also result in immediate expulsion from the league.
5) If any player acts in any way that may jeopardize the relationship between MO Darts 360 and a location, that player will be expelled from the league.
6) Any players expelled by the league director for any reason will lose all monies and awards and will not be allowed to pay in the league or league-sponsored tournaments until further notice.
7) Any player not allowed in a location must either work out arrangements with the location owner to play or get a substitute. A match cannot be moved because a player is not allowed in a location.
M. Equipment
1) Any player abuse of equipment will not be tolerated. The penalty for player abuse that causes the board to be inoperable for league play will be a loss of match for their team. Any repeat reports will result in permanent expulsion from all leagues.
2) Once the match has begun, the dartboard is in equal condition and position for both teams. If there is a question about the position of the dart board, it must be settled by both captains before the match begins. Any player moving the dartboard for any reason during a game will forfeit that game.
3) If repairs to the dart game are needed, ask the bar employee or call 573-578-0999.
N. Player Dues & Fees
1) League fees are $12 per person per week. All league fees will be paid back in prize money and the awards banquet. The team captains are responsible for collecting all league fees before the match begins.
2) If a substitute player is used, it is the captain’s responsibility to pay the substitute player’s fees the night of the match. League dues must be paid every week, if you forfeit or receive a forfeit, you still must pay your dues. Prize money is based on total number of teams and total number of weeks scheduled. This is the only way all players are guaranteed to pay the same amount in each league.
3) The league office keeps track of league dues paid by each team, not by each player on a team. If one or more players are short league dues, it is up to the captain to keep track of dues paid by individual players. Any shortages not paid by the end of the season will be split equally among all players on that team.
4) Any team that drops from a league during the regular season will forfeit all monies paid and awards earned. These players will also be placed on the probation list.
O. MO Darts 360 Sanctioning
1) After the 4th week of play in the fall/winter season, league players will become sanctioned members of MO Darts 360. All players will need to supply the league office with their correct address for this purpose. The $ 20.00 sanction fee is a once a year fee, no matter how many league you play in throughout the year. The sanction year runs from August 1st through July 31st. All players will receive the MODARTS360 membership pin, membership card and will be eligible for all sanctions state and world tournaments. This fee must be paid within the first 4 weeks of the season. If not, you will not be an MO Darts 360 sanctioned player.
P. Awards Program
1) A minimum of 25% of the teams in every league will receive team and individual trophies and/or plaques. A tie for first place will be played off; all other ties will be broken by the teams’ head-to-head competition (total wins).
2) Awards and pins will only be awarded to players who have played in at least 80% of the league games.
3) Each league will have an MVP award given to the player with the highest MPR , Win #, or PPD rating in all divisions. To be eligible for this award, a player must also have played in 80% of league games.
Q. General Rules of Play
1) Throw lines are 7’9.25” from the front of the board. Players must throw from behind the front edge of the foul line. You may step over the line as long as your dart hits the board before your foot touches the floor in front of the line.
2) Each player throws a maximum of 3 darts per turn. It is not require for a player to throw all three darts on every turn. A player may pass or throw fewer than three darts. A player will always be allowed to throw all three of his/her darts unless a foul occurs.
3) A dart thrown counts as a throw, whether or not it is sticks. A throw counts if it misses the board and bounces out or if it misses the board completely. A player may not throw any darts over again. Only an accidentally dropped dart may be thrown over. Only when a dropped dart occurs while forward throwing motion will a player lose a dart.
4) It is the incoming player’s responsibility, before throwing their first dart, to make sure they are throwing on the correct score.
5) A completed game found to have had the incorrect player(s) would result in the loss of the game. The home team captain must notify the league office the next day.
6) Maximum dart weight is 50 grams. (MO Darts 360 standard) Magnetic darts are not allowed.